Rick_HKXcode Device Orientation Setting is not working for iPadHave you ever tried to set the device setting in Xcode but it never works?Aug 7, 2021Aug 7, 2021
Rick_HKXcode: Could not launch “Your App” failed to get the task for process 537Have you ever tried to launch your app in different scheme but Xcode said it could not launch it? It was perfectly fine to launch in one…Apr 5, 20216Apr 5, 20216
Rick_HK[Cocoapods] Oh no, an error occurred.I guess you’re here is because you’re using M1 for your Xcode project with Cocoapods, but you cannot perform pod install right?Jan 27, 20212Jan 27, 20212
Rick_HKAndroid Fragment UI not updated after popBackStack()Have you ever experience your fragment’s UI not updating after exit from another fragment?Aug 18, 2020Aug 18, 2020
Rick_HKAAPT: error: failed writing to R.txt ':app:processDebugResources' Android Studio 4.0.1 (Aug 2020)Previously, we talked about this version of Android Studio has an issue of Launcher Activity (See here). Now we got another issue about…Aug 12, 2020Aug 12, 2020
Rick_HKAndroid Studio 4.0.1 Launcher Activity Does Not Exist Error (July 2020)Android Studio 4.0.1 just came out July 2020 and it has some instability issues. One of which is unable to launch your launcher activity…Jul 20, 2020Jul 20, 2020
Rick_HKCameraX on Android Fragment in Kotlin with ImageAnalyzerCameraX is a relatively new Camera API in Android. Unlike the predecessors, CameraX is easy to use and requires less tweaking in order to…Jul 14, 20201Jul 14, 20201
Rick_HKUnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for long org.opencv.core.Mat.n_Mat()When we implementing OpenCV to Android Camera Project, the app crashes for no reason.Jul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020
Rick_HKHow to make XCFramework / Fat Framework in XcodeIn the past, we, as iOS framework authors, used to build Fat .Framework file to distribute.Jul 8, 2020Jul 8, 2020
Rick_HKinMac O’ClockiOS14 — 7 New Web APIs and API Changes in Safari from WWDC2020Apple just announced what’s new in web/safari on WWDC2020. Let’s take a look of what API changes are concerning web developers and…Jul 4, 2020Jul 4, 2020