-canOpenURL: failed for URL: “deep-link” — error: “This app is not allowed to query for scheme ”

1 min readApr 24, 2020


When developing mobile applications, there are times that we like to open another app natively. In iOS world, we use “deeplink” to open an app programmatically. However, before you open the other app, you may want to check if the user’s device has installed the desired app already.

Below is the snippet opening the app using deeplink

guard let url = URL(string: deeplink) else { return }


Similarly, you make use of UIApplication.shared‘s function to check the app’s existence

guard let url = URL(string: deeplink) else {



let bool = UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url)

This code complies fine in XCode, but it does not deliver the result you expected. XCode will show you this error log when you

2020–04–24 14:40:17.076999+0800 yourgreattestingapp[349:11543] -canOpenURL: failed for URL: “deep://link?token=123” — error: “This app is not allowed to query for scheme deep”

To solve this, you need to specify the deeplink’s custom URL scheme in info.plist in order to make the os allow your app to do such query.





Thats it. 🙂

Happy coding.

Find me at Twitter @rick3817





Hi this is Rick from Hong Kong. I am a native iOS and Android mobile developer and also a tech enthusiast. Find me on Twitter https://twitter.com/rick3817